Chaw tsim tshuaj paus txheem Hoobkas Zoo Muag UPVC PVC Yas Customize Soundproof Folding Qhov rai rau chav ua noj

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Daim ntawv thov:Yas kab tshuaj ntsuam tuaj yeem tiv taus cov kab.Yog li nws yog siv raws li lub qhov rais los yog lub qhov rooj cov ntxaij vab tshaus nyob rau hauv lub tsev, tsev so tawm tsam kab.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Peb muaj ib qho ntawm cov cuab yeej tshaj lij tshaj plaws, cov kws paub txog thiab tsim nyog engineers thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm, lees paub cov kev tswj xyuas zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam tus phooj ywg muag khoom ua haujlwm ua ntej / tom qab muag kev txhawb nqa rau Chaw Tsim Khoom Txheej Txheem Zoo Tshaj Plaws Muag UPVC PVC Yas Customize Soundproof Folding Window rau Chav ua noj, Koj tuaj yeem nrhiav tus nqi pheej yig tshaj ntawm no.Tsis tas li koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov tuam txhab tshwj xeeb ntawm no!Nco ntsoov tias koj nyiam tsis txhob tos tham nrog peb!
Peb muaj ib qho ntawm cov cuab yeej tshaj lij tshaj plaws, cov kws paub txog thiab tsim nyog engineers thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm, tau lees paub cov kev tswj xyuas zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam tus phooj ywg muag khoom ua haujlwm ua ntej / tom qab muag kev txhawb nqa rauTuam Tshoj UPVC Folding Qhov rai thiab UPVC Qhov rai Chav ua noj, Ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "Enterprising and Truth-Seeking, Preciseness and Unity", with the technology as the core, our company continues innovate, dedicated to provide you with the superior cost-effective solutions and meticulous after-mold service.Peb ntseeg ruaj khov tias: peb ua tau zoo tshaj plaws li peb tau tshwj xeeb.

Qhov rai screeningyog dav siv rau qhov rais thiab txoj kev hauv tsev los tiv thaiv kab los ntawm kev cuam tshuam.Yas qhov rai screen tseem hu ua Yas kab tshuaj ntsuam, polyethylene kab tshuaj ntsuam, nylon kab tshuaj ntsuam.Nws yog ua los ntawm ntshiab polyethylene hlau nrog dawb thiab inter weaving.Cov kab tshuaj yas yas tuaj yeem tiv taus UV rays thiab kab.Cov lus qhia tshwj xeeb suav nrog 14 × 14 mesh, 16 × 14 mesh, 16 × 16 mesh, 18 × 16 mesh, 18 × 18 mesh, 18 × 14 mesh, thiab cov xaim txoj kab uas hla feem ntau yog BWG 31 lossis BWG 32. Cov kev ntsuam xyuas qhov rai hauv qab no yog muaj rau kev muab khoom.

Khoom siv:Ntshiab polyethylene hlau.
Xim:Ntsuab, xiav, daj, liab thiab dub.
Khiav:Plain woven thiab interweave.

Peb lub qhov rais yas qhov raiFeem ntau tuaj yeem muab faib ua ob pawg, ib qho yog qhov yooj yim woven yas qhov rai screen thiab lwm qhov yog interweave yas qhov rais screen.Lub qhov rais qhib qhov rooj qhib nrog warp hlau thiab weft hlau yog ib leeg, cov hlau yog tuab, mesh yog sib npaug thiab zoo nkauj.Nws yog qhov hloov ntawm fiberglass kab tshuaj ntsuam.Txoj kab uas hla ntawm lub qhov rais woven tiaj tiaj yog 0.18mm-0.40mm.Thaum lub weft ntawm interweave yas qhov rais screen yog ib leeg thiab warp yog ob, uas twist lub weft mus rau interweave hlau netting.Cov hlau yog nyias, siv cov khoom me me, tus nqi qis.

Lub teeb yuag thiab yooj yim rau nruab.
Yooj yim ntxuav thiab ntxuav.
Environmental tus phooj ywg.
Lub neej ntev.
Khaws cov kab tawm, txo kev siv cov tshuaj tua kab.
UV tiv taus.
Dej thiab cua permeable.

Peb muaj ib qho ntawm cov cuab yeej tshaj lij tshaj plaws, cov kws paub txog thiab tsim nyog engineers thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm, lees paub cov kev tswj xyuas zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam tus phooj ywg muag khoom ua haujlwm ua ntej / tom qab muag kev txhawb nqa rau Chaw Tsim Khoom Txheej Txheem Zoo Tshaj Plaws Muag UPVC PVC Yas Customize Soundproof Folding Window rau Chav ua noj, Koj tuaj yeem nrhiav tus nqi pheej yig tshaj ntawm no.Tsis tas li koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov tuam txhab tshwj xeeb ntawm no!Nco ntsoov tias koj nyiam tsis txhob tos tham nrog peb!
Tus qauv tsimTuam Tshoj UPVC Folding Qhov rai thiab UPVC Qhov rai Chav ua noj, Ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "Enterprising and Truth-Seeking, Preciseness and Unity", with the technology as the core, our company continues innovate, dedicated to provide you with the superior cost-effective solutions and meticulous after-mold service.Peb ntseeg ruaj khov tias: peb ua tau zoo tshaj plaws li peb tau tshwj xeeb.

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